Digging through my past poetry anthologies (2006), I stumbled upon this little creature---then the next year I had my mother translate and I took the parts of her translation that sounded good to me and turned it into a song sung in a japanese jazz style. So-in the end, my poem, which had a somewhat blue, rhythmic beat to it, became a pink jazzy diddy with trumpets!
See the transformation below:
I want to kiss you, to touch
the blue on the waters crinkle and the hush of the sea storm
Not of my imagination, not of my minds eye creating romance from unmistakeable beauty
( moments when your heart paints a portrait of light)
No, a kiss drop on a thousand meters of sea where below
The creatures turn one eye upward in their upsidedown world
A cleanse on the surface of your skin from the sea sky above of warm
Beats pitter patter down
Faster my heart rain soul yearns wet kiss lips
-Christine Hale
Anata Ni Kiss Sitai (i want kiss you) Chinmoku No Arasi De Aoku Wnetta Nami Ni Furetai (want touch the swell of blue and silent storm) Watasi No Souzou No Romanse Jya Nai Akiraka Na Wtukusi Sa Ga Egaita (not my imagination create romance it from unmistakable beauty) CHORUS: Anata No Kokoro Ga Hikari Wo Egaku Sono Syunkan (your heart shines light)
Spain Madrid Weather
9 years ago
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